Friday, December 28, 2012

End of 2012

So today is my 30th birthday. What a time to reflect about my past year. So here it is in a flash.
This year I have met some amazing people! People who have inspired, encouraged and helped mold me to be the better person I want to be. Its funny how some people just click when they meet, and I have met some life long friends this year.
I completed my very first 6k fun run, in a better time than I set for myself. I have lost another stack of weight which will still continue. I have completed yet another two FTC challenges, the second one of which I came second in Victoria for the lifestyle category.
I have changed in huge ways both mentally and physically. I have grown so much, and although others tell me, I can see it myself, which can be hard. This has helped with my confidence with where I am in mind, body and spirit.
I am in the process of completing Certificate 3 & 4 in fitness and also getting my personal training business together, and starting boot camps mid January. I am so excited to be able to bring my knowledge and experience out to others who are struggling with their own weight issues. I can not wait and it seems others cant wait for me to start either. :)
So today I turn 30, im nearly 50kg lighter, more happy and content than ever, with a very very bright future just around the corner.
So setting New Years Resolutions. Most people set resolutions they already know they will not achieve.
So I say to you all make SMART resolutions.
Sensible, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic and Timeframe.
These things will help you get those resolutions done and dusted. Set a big goal, the work backwards, setting smaller more achievable goals, that lead to that major goal you've been longing for. You will then see the goals getting achieved, which will encourage you to keep going and continue on towards that goal you have been longing to achieve.
Make 2013 your year!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fenix Transformation Challenge #7 COMPLETE!

Well 12 weeks of hard training, perfect eating and amazing lifestyle changes! What a 12 weeks it was. Full of Inspiration, Determination and most of all sweat and tears.
The results are in : In 12 weeks I lost 12.1kg and 59.2cm and 7.73% body fat.
Man I feel incredible right now! I didn't make it under 100, but only just and I didn't quite make it to the 50kg lost. However by the end of the year I WILL have reached BOTH of these goals. Friday night we have the FTC #7 dinner, a chance to celebrate with the other people in Victoria who have also made amazing changes to their lives. Its so exciting to celebrate everyone achievements and watch everyone glow with pride on the night. Also a chance to let my hair down and dance the night away. :)
Life now, is just life. Im not on an eating plan or diet or anything. I eat what I eat because I like the food and I know it fuels my body to keep it strong and healthy. I am so excited for the new year and what lies in my path. I have big dreams and goals for next year, and my weight is only a small part instead of the main part of these ideas. I will continue on, and see how far I get, however it will be at my own pace and doing what I like. I will still be training with the beautiful Elise and at the same time I will be encouraging and inspiring others to be the person next year who makes the world stop and stare. This is how I feel at the moment. I feel like this is my moment! My time to shine! and I feel that is what I have done. Strangers at gym tell me how amazing im looking each time they see me. Friends and Family are just astounded at how far I have come and at the courage and willpower I have to do what I have done for such a long time. 2 years feels like a lifetime right now. 2 years of my life, some would say wasted. I say 2 years in my life I have invested. Invested in my body, health, happiness and much much more. Not only do I feel amazing, but I look incredible, I am able to do things I never thought possible. The little things are the things that keep me going. Things such as fitting into a plane seat without the extender on the seat belt, and having the little table thing down and not rest on my stomach. Going into shops and picking anything off the rack and finding out it fits! These things are what make me feel incredible. These are the things that use to make me so very very sad.
So where to now............ I have completed my business plan. I have a business name and now I just have to plan some advertising and I will be away. Off to work with some people ready for change, ready to face their future head on. Its going to be bumpy, its going to be challenging. I am so ready for this, I am going to lead by example and be the best mentor, trainer, friend, supporter I can for those that want it. So keep watching and I will keep you posted.
In the mean time here are my 2 year transformation pics:

So any questions or if you happen to be interested in joining my boot camps or maybe even personal training with me. Drop me a line and lets get started on creating a healthy, happy and fitter you. :)


Monday, November 19, 2012

Making it Lifestyle

So i am starting week 11 of a 12 week challenge. So far ive lost 11.5kg and that was back in week 8. so who knows where im at now. Not weighing in weekly has been so amazing for my mind. Just doing what i need to do each day, im feeling so comfortable with where i am at, and my progress to achieve the goals ive been dreaming of.
So at last weigh in i was 3kg away from 50kg lost in total. Which is CRAZY right??? Its been long, its been hard, but its been bloody worth it! I am embracing the changes i feel, the changes i see and the compliments i am recieving. Life has changed so, so much in the past 2 years. However i am looking forward to the next year, where these changes in my diet and exercise have become my lifestyle. Therefore i can focus on other things in my life, because these things i have been working on are just how i am now. Its exciting to know that in a few months, i will be able to continue on my life, and things wont fall apart and i wont put on what ive lost and more. I will continue on this path, just with other focuses and dreams as well.
So, whats been happening. I have a business name for my personal training business i want to start next year 'all shapes fitness' its mine!!! All mine!!! I love this name, i think its something that people can relate to, and respond to. I feel its not intimdating and it is inviting. So im extremly excited about the path it will take me next year.
Went to Brisbane last week to catch up with Ashley's sister and meet our new nephew. Was so nice to get away and spend time together. However this trip was more than just time out and a holiday, this is where i realised just how far i have come. Still following the program i have been given, i found it so very easy to stick to while away. This has given me the confidance to know that this challenge doesnt have 2 weeks to go, as what i am doing it exactly what i should be doing all the time. So no end date for me, just continue on life as i have been.
Feeling pretty amazing, and loving life right now!!!
Couldnt ask for a better place to be!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mid Challenge update

So week 5 of the 12 week challenge is nearly over.
I lost 7.8kg and 27.2cm and 3.2% body fat in a total of 4 weeks.
So stoked with my efforts so far, people say im smashing it.

Have such an amazing group of inspirational people around me. None more than my trainer Elise. She has embarked on her own adventure, of becoming a natural body builder, and she is SMASHING it!!! i have been to most of her comps, and next week i have the pleasure of going to Adelaide to watch her smash it out in the Nationals! Should she win this its off to America baby!!! If only i could follow her over there. Watching her transformation and now watching her each week on stage is absoultley inspiring, and continues to help me stay focused and on track. Nothing more than an inspirational leader!!
Then i have the amazing girls from my gym, who every day support, encourage and inspire me to become a better person. They are all so positive and strong women, im very blessed to have them on my side.

So things are good, 7 weeks to go and cant even imagine what i will be like in 7 weeks. But i can promise i will be giving it my all.
I will finish my certificate 4 and then it will be my 30th birthday. So lots to look forward to and then year ahead looks bright.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

So tomorrow is the last track of my adventure!!
I start my final 12 week challenge. I say final one, as i am soooo determined to get my results and move on with something different than my weight loss. So this 12 weeks, im giving it my all, giving my 110%. Showing eveyone that, it can be done and that things that scare you actually are worth giving a try.
So whats been happening??? Leading upto the challenge ive had 3 weeks of Freedom. No weekly weigh ins, no food diary, just doing what i want when i want. Has been nice but must admit it will be nice having some structure again. I have cleaned my pantry, fridge & Freezer of all things processed. And replenshed it with all things clean and lean. Ive done some pre cooking, so that im organised.
Now i just have to go to sleep, and wake up on the adventure of a lifetime.
So last weekend, i completed my very first 6k fun run!!! was very exciting to do it, and i am so stoked that i completed it in under 45mins. 33.36mins actually.MY family came to watch which was very nice, for them to show an interest in what i have been doing.
Everyone has asked me if ive caught the running bug now. The answer is no, i dont mind running, and it was fun. but there is no way i will be doing major runs or anything. Maybe a few a year or something and just run at my own pace and distance. But definatley nothing crazy like a 10k or half marathon. But it was fun, and very proud of myself.

So keep watching my blog, as ill try and post regularly about my  12 weeks. Its going to be crazy and definatley worth watching!!
Love to you all.

Sandie xx

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Y Factor!

So this week has been about the Y Factor! What is the Y factor? It's all those questions you ask yourself, and try to find answers to, to keep you on track and motivated to achieve the world you want.
My Y factor questions ive been fighting with this week. Y do i want this so bad? Y do i sabotage myself? Y do i blame others? What is it that i want? Y am i not happy with where i have come from? Y dont i want to let things happen and enjoy the new exciting things ahead? Y am i so hard on myself? Y do i care what others think?
Someone said to me today, that these questions go through alot of peoples heads. That im not alone.
I find these questions hard and scary at the same time. I dont know what id look like when i lose another 20kg, so imagining myself is very hard to do. So therefore how do i know where im heading?
I want to just let go and embrace the changes that will happen. But something keeps pulling me back.
Its driving me CRAZY!!!!
I have this blame inside me, blaming my parents for the way we were brought up eating wise. Because of their habits, (which i have now inherited) im left working my ass off to better my life and live the way i want to be. Its hard!! Its so god dam HARD!!
But if things were easy, then everyone would be out there smashing it. But only the fighters continue on time and time again.
I am the FIGHTER!! I want this more than words can say. Yes i have these bad habits, but they no longer can control me. I am the only one in control of my fate. Only i can change my ways. Its going to be tough, and im sure as hell not going to let it beat me. But I'm willing to continue to try time and time again. Nothing will make me give up! Ive come to far to give up now.

So i erge all those out there, who in tough times just want to give up. Push through and fight for what you want. Be that person people say 'OMG your amazing, look at what you have done!' Be proud of who you are and where your going.
Someone special always says to me "You only have one life LIVE IT!!!"  xxx

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ok, so its been quite a while since i have blogged. Im sorry to all the regular visitors to my page. I will make a promise to blog every week from now on.
So what has been happening?? Hrmmmmmm well ive been continuing on my weight loss track, with up and down moments, just the usual really.
I have completed Certificate 3 in fitness now, which means i can work in a gym if i like. I start Certificate 4 on Wednesday. Im looking forward to completing it. As i will then be qualified to do personal training. This really excites me. I have already started to think about what i want to do and where i would like to go with personal training and boot camps. Just researching at the moment so that when i am certified i can start straight away. So keep your eyes out, as you may just get a special offer when i start.
I have been training a friend of mine Dani for a few weeks now. Just getting some experience as well as helping a friend reach some goals. Its funny really, as i see alot in Dani as what i use to be like (and im sure sometimes still are). Its a crazy feeling hearing someone say and do things u use to do. But i guess who would know how to help them than someone who has been there. She is loving my program, and it opened her to new things. Today i did a one on one session where i got to take her as if it were a personal training session. She worked very very hard and will be very very sore. :) It was about showing her, her potenial and just how hard she can work. Now her task will be to keep the intensity up while training on her own, as im not always going to be there. Im really loving this and just reassures me that its something i will be doing for my life. Helping, encouraging and supporting people to be the best they can be is going to be amazing. I definatley think i will be able to put my stamp on the world.
Im still training hard with Elise twice a week. Loving that as usual. Also loving doing some sessions on my own, kicking my own butt really is an awesome feeling.
I have my ups and down when it comes to my food, but slowly getting more consistant with it.

So heres whats ahead. I turn 30 in december and will be having my party late November. So between now and then i want to lose 20-30kg! thats massive your thinking?? Your right its a HUGE task and i am so ready for it. Im in the right head space. I feel so focused like i did at the start of this experience, im very excited at what lies ahead. Not really knowing what i will look like is a little daunting. However i have decided to approach it with positivity and determination and work my butt off to achieve this. I want nothing more than to go into the 30's at a weight i am proud of.
So keep watching for updates and progress reports, pics and measurements.
Its gonna be an amazing ride.
Oh, any business name suggestions???
Love to you all!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Finally seeing the changes, everyone else says is there!

This week has been kind of life changing. I am beginning to see changes in my body, im starting to finally LOVE what i see. This is going to make me strive harder and harder.
So 10KG's in 10 weeks!! pretty impressed with myself.
Next challenge 10KG in 6 weeks. Its going to be tough, however im up for the challenge. 6 weeks is nothing!!! :)
So this week i had Chloes hens party, i felt so amazing within myself and in what i was wearing. I couldnt stop looking at myself in all the mirrors. Problem was they were floor to ceiling mirrors. Oh my, shop windows, bathroom mirrors!! Im becoming the person i laugh at. Checking themselves out as they walk past a shop. lol Luckily for now, im allowed to enjoy these feelings. Its so strange to be in this place. I am currently just embrassing the feelings and running with it. I am definatley in un chartered territory now, so everything is so god dam new to me.
Such an amazing feel!!!
So mid challenge, feel fab. Doing ok, but going to do better.
Ashley's birthday tomorrow and im taking him away for a few days! Can not wait!!! And soooo determind to get those scales saying under 110 this week!!!! Im gonna scream when it happens!! Hope elise is prepared!! :)
So focusing 100% my lucky number right now for 6 weeks is 100!!! cos when i lose my 10kg i will no longer be in those triple figures!! Never in my wildest dreams did i think i would ever get to that point, and that will mean i will have lost 50kg!!!! OMG!!! scares me even saying that. :)
So stay on track, ill check in often. Lets smash this together.
Love to you all!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mid Challenge

 Well im about to start week 6 of my 12 weeks challenge.
This week i have my assessment. Im a little bit excited but nervous at the same time. I know my KG's arnt what i would have hoped for, but im keen to see the cm etc. as i can feel my body shrinking. Its an exciting feeling. :)
This week has been a bit up and down, feel good in general. But just keep trying to think of way to excel this process. Really wanna get under that 100kg. Once im under that i wont care as much about the scales, because for me 100kg is a bench mark for me that 100kg is someone who is fat. Which is why i so badly want to be under that. Currently im .4grams away from 40kgs that i have lost! This is amazing and not many people can achieve what i have achieved. My sister asked me if i was going to reward myself for getting there. But i dont want to, i wanna wait until i get to 50kg lost which means i will be under that 100kg!!! This is where i think i will be happy with things. Until then i still worry and stress about everything. Still struggle to make it part of life, and change my life forever. Its just so very hard. I know what i need to do and i can do it, but it seems only for a little bit then i head back to the old ways.
I read a book the other day by Craig Harper, called Stop Fucking Around!! Everything he says is sooooo right and i know everyone that would read it would understand. And to get where i want to be i need to sacrifice somethings, but its so hard.
Dont get me wrong its not like i am down and depressed about this stuff, just stuff that goes on in my head. :)
Anyways not much happened this week but trying to stay on top and do the right thing.
They say to change habits you need to make sacrifices. This next 6 weeks is going to be the sacrifice i am going to make! Going to smash it out of the water. No more 'fucking around' Clean and Lean life changing eating.
So wish me luck, and i ask everyone to encourage me and inspire me and help me. xx

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a week!!!

Wow!!! what a week ive had.
Things have changed from the week before. Im no longer worrying about the things that havnt happened yet, and i am just doing what i need to do with no excuses and no reason to give in and be afraid of being the best me EVER!
So this week was the wedding!!! I had friday off work and spent part of the day getting beautified!! Have my spray tan, nails, and also had time to take my lil neice Chole and mum out for lunch and a bit of shopping. Was just a lovely was to spend a friday.
Friday night was rehearsal, the celebrant was 1 hr late! So ash and i didnt get our dinner date as planned. Unfortunatley he coul have stayed at home. :)
Satudary came!! I had to be in Yarra glen by 10am!!! Ready to get hair and make up done!! Was fun as always. Although the hair didnt work out to be what i wanted, but thats ok im not the one who is ment to stand out. I put my dress on and found out it was a lil to loose. So id lost weight since final fitting 5 days ago. So all day and night i was pulling it up. hehehehe hard life hey!! :P
Dee (the bride!) looks gorgeous!!! She had photos on a harley, which was a huge dream of hers. We were half an hour late to the ceremony as Dee had left her ring in the house, so we had to find a way in. Luckily a door wasnt locked.
Once again i dont remember walking down the isle althought i think i looked at people more than i did at my sisters wedding. But my feet were already killing me.
Anyways was a great day and night, although the music sucked!!! The joys of being one of the youngest in the room. :) Anyways enough of the wedding.
Over the past few days i have once again started to notice different things changing again. Its so strange to see things that u use to hate about yourself, dont look so bad now. I put on a dress (which i usually wear leggings with) to wear to work and before i put the leggings on i looked in the mirror. I could have wore it as a dress with no legggings. I didnt mind how my legs looked. Its so very strange. Another thing is im noticing that im not the big girl anymore. Im no different to most people. Yeah ok ive still got some to lose, but i look healthy, and i look fit. Im not the large person anymore. Im learning to except it and use to to power me through tough times. These feelings are amazing motivation.
So things are pretty good at the moment, SMASHING my training, trying new things, pushing myself to the highest peaks. Eating has been 95% excellent!! which is awesome. Tomorrow i jump on the scales for my weekly weigh in then next week i have the mid challenge weigh in. I know this first 6 weeks havnt been the best, but i am more determined to make the last 6 more than exceptional!! Im going for platinum and NOTHING will stand in my way.
My TV ad at gym seems to be getting the response elise was looking for. people are noticing and commenting. So getting use to excepting the compliments and not being embarrassed to talk about things with people. It will all come. Right now im just riding the waves and doing what i can to get through each day/week!
Enjoy your week special people.
Train hard and achieve big dreams!
Love to you all!! xx

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sometimes being on top can bring you down

So this week i have been dealing with some head stuff.
Sometimes when you feel on top of it, and love being on top of it. The pressure can get to you.
This week ive been feeling alot of pressure to get the results people expect from me. And because ive been struggling with my nutrition, i feel like i am failing everyone, especially Elise my Trainer. She so kindly has used me as promotion for her business. This is a HUGE honour, and i could not be more proud that she wants me up there. But im scared, scared that i wont get the results she wants me to, scared i wont achieve the things i set out to achieve this challenge. Im sick of going round and round in circles with my emotions. One or two weeks and im smashing killing every aspect then, week three it seems to go down hill, then week four i feel outta control. Just dont know how i can conquer this. But very over it!!
So tonight on Biggest Loser a lady was going through the same kinda issues, so really hit home, breaking me down. Making me want to blog about this stuff. They came out with, its not everyone elses expectations its my own, and when im not on top of it i get scared and try to revert back to the old me to compensate. I couldnt believe hearing this. It is what i needed to hear for sure, as it is exactly what i have been doing.
No one else expects anything from me, i only expect the best, because thats where i wanna be. If i lost 5kg then everyone would be so happy for me, if i lose 20kg will still be the same outcome.
So how do i stop this cycle from occuring??? Any suggestions would be awesome.

So enough of the mental stuff, other things have been happening. Lauren and I trained some friends of ours through a bootcamp kinda workout. Was fun pushing them and watching them smashing it out. So proud of them all. But was great experience for us.
PT with Elise tomorrow, my only one for the week :( but wanting to smash it hard!!! No chatter, just hardcore workout!! (im sure there will be a lil chat! lol) But smashing my training and thinking of starting my running again, once i get new shoes.
Anyways think thats enough from me this time.
Next time ill be on top of the world. With no pressure on myself. Just doing what i do best and being the best i can be.
Love to you all
Sandie xx

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 2 and already smashing goals

Well week two is over! Feeling amazing and cant believe how much my fitness levels can change with eating healthy.
This week i once again smashed my PT sessions, improving on my weights each week. Building that strong base to push it harder each week.
Nutrition was great this week. Recovering from my Hens weekend and putting on a lil was hard to take, but i got over it and just solidered on. Losing nearly 3kg, so most was probably water weight. So excited for the weeks ahead. Sticking Clean & Lean will get me to where i wanna go.
This week was the first group FTC thing at the 1000 steps. Last challenge i did it in over 40mins. This time i did it in 32.12mins, and didnt stop once. Just went at a nice steady pace and then ran the last section. Did it all on my own with no help from anyone, so its amazing what u can do when u want to.
When i got to the top, i waited for a friend of mine Danielle. She is doing the challenge for the first time, and she is starting where i started weight wise. So i wanted to be there to encourage her across the finish line. When i saw her coming up i was so proud of her. She had made it. I yelled for her to run it home strong and she did. I even had a lil tear watching her. She had smashed her time by 10-15mins!! AMAZING!!! Was so stoked for her!
School also started this week. Wednesday night was all about muscles and bones. I knew the muscles just not the bones. Lots of practicing to do! Then Saturday we had it all day. We learnt how to measure clients, blood pressure, skin folds etc. Was interesting to learn it rather than being the person getting it done to. Was fun. Then we headed to the gym for the afternoon where we learnt to spot clients, and learnt what some exercises were. Did lots of weights there. Then it finished early so i made it to Sh'bam!!! When i got home i was knackered!!! Hot bath, and a 12 hr sleep and i was ready to go again!!! lol
Bring on Week 3!!!
My goals this week, to study and get one module completly finished. and To smash my weights every session!! Wanna make the most out of everything. No more wasting time. Get on with it, i say!!! lol
Dream big people!!! Stay Strong!!!
Over an out! :P

Monday, February 27, 2012

One week down!

So week one of FTC #6 done and dusted! Clean and Lean eating all week. Although had a Hens Party on the weekend. Allowed myself two 30min frames to eat what i wanted. I think it worked well. I didnt feel like i missed out, and i still got to enjoy some not so healthy food. Even a few wines.
So today is a new day  and im back into it. No more party's coming up just the wedding in three weeks. I said at the start of the year i wanted to lose 10kg by the wedding, i am right on track!!! I can still achieve this.
Today was an exciting day for me! Elise is using me in her latest ad. Its about my time so far and warning people to watch out as i push it up a level and smash this challenge out of the water.
Here is a look at the ad!

What do u think??? Its pretty amazing hey?? I love that after pic!! Makes me feel so proud of how far i have come. And how amazing the next after pic is going to be. I so proud to be out there promoting Elise's business, as she has given me the world already, just wish i could give her everything she deserves. :)
So as week 2 begins, and i recover from my weekend. Full steam ahead. This week is the satrt of my Certificate 3 course! Very exciting! Wednesday night is the first session and then again Saturday. Looking forward to learning lots and putting it into action. We get to take half of a bootcamp every so often to. This will be AWESOME!! i cant wait to be able to train people. Just wish i could smash through it all a lil quicker. Just wanna get out there and get my story out there and start to help people change there lives for the better. Will be such an amazing gift!
So stay strong this week and eat Clean & Lean!
Until next time. MWAH!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

FTC #6 Begins - Heres the Stats

So FTC #6 has started and im in day 4 of the first week. Thought i would put my stats my for you all to see.

Weight - 114.6

Shoulder - 116.9
Chest - 119.5
Navel - 119.5
Right Bicep - 42.6
Left Bicep - 41
Hips - 132.2
Rigth Thigh - 72.5
Left Thigh - 72
Right Calf - 46.5
Left Calf - 49.5

Body Fat % - 35.89
Lean Body Mass - 73.5

My Goals
Weight 90-95kg
Body Fat under 30%

See below for my before pics.

Bring it on! This challenge i feel in control and on top of everything. Only 80 days to go! not that im counting. :)
Watch out for an AMAZING transformation!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And so it begins again

Well the challenge is days away and i am on fire!! Was struggling with getting back on track with my eating, However with love, support and encouragment from those around me. I can honestly say ive done 1 whole week with no bad food. Clean and Lean!! Tomorrow i will weigh myself to see whats happened this week. I have felt alot of changes both physically and mentally this week. I feel very strong and in control and much more excepting of myself.
Funny story, the other afternoon i was doing something in the bathroom, when i looked into the mirror. I had to take two looks, i didnt know the person staring back me. Was it me? Of course it was? it was a happier, healthier me! I said to myself who are you?, when did theses changes happen?? I couldnt believe the changes i now see in my face. Things that everyone around me has probably been seeing for ages, but for me. It was the first time ive noticed, and it was with happy, healthy eyes. So i was impressed with my changes, and my attitude everything im doing right now. Definatley already in a great place mentally, and emotionally. But still working on things as they arise. But it is definatley easier to work through them when u are confident, happy and strong.
So what do i expect from FTC #6? My weight goal is 90-95KG, that is a loss of 25kg in 12 weeks. WOW?? most people would say. I say BRING IT ON! This is achievable, many people have done this before. I will stay strong, i will not give in, and i will reap the rewards!
Life just isnt the same anymore. Focused and determind i am!
Will fill u in on my other goals, when i really think about them.
Stay strong, eat clean and lean and you too can get the body of your dreams.
Love to you all.  Sandie xx

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The start of something BIG!

Well i cant believe i have only posted once in this new year. So much has been going on. Back into training with Elise. Smashing all my weights and feeling stronger and stronger every week. Focused on my running. Ran one full lap of the lake without stopping, in the same time i had walked/ran last time. So i was very very excited.
I have been Sh'bamming alot. Which is awesome. for those that dont know Sh'bam is a les mills class, kinda like Body Jam but WAY BETTER!! I love adding this class into my roster as it gives me a chance to let my hair down and enjoy myself. Takes away the intensity of weight training and cardio. Who knows maybe one day ill be a Sh'Bam intsructor! :)
Last week i had a weigh in, ive lost another 1.9kg. So slowly getting closer and closer to being under that 110kg. I have a wedding in 6 weeks and i want to be under 110kg by the wedding. I will be giving myself the best chance i have.
Ive been focusing on my nutrition alot in the last few weeks, as nutrition is 90% of weight loss. I have my good days and bad days, but the good days and becoming more frequant. I find that when i have my (cheat) meals, i find it hard to get back on track. Im not sure if the sugar creeps back in. But im learning to be strong and just keep doing what im doing
This year i am not focusing on stuff ive done wrong, if ive done it, i cant change it. I can only move forward and learn and understand why i did it, and next time try and defeat it. This process will take time, but i feel im getting somewhere and improving. Thats the main thing i guess. :)
So this week i signed up to study Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness. This means i can be a Personal trainer and do boot camps or be a group fitness instructor. Im very excited about where this will lead me, as i have for the past 5 years had such an interest in exercise and inspiring people. Already i have people wanting me to do boot camps for them, and train them. Secretly im a lil scared. I was talking to Elise the other day, about what id do etc, and i was saying that until i get to where i wanna go and be happy at where i am i was not going to do anything with my qualification. She thinks, that i would be ready NOW!!! (or once im qualified) as its not just about appearance, she feels i have so much more to offer clients already, with my experience and inspiration. That they would be so lucky to start with me asap. I was quite chuffed, that she said that. It was so kind of her. I know some people find me inspiring and stuff. but i guess i need to see that myself. As she said i obviously dont see what others see, so this is something i will be exploring throughout my certificates and training. Im intreiged as to where this may lead.
So the next FTC challenge starts on the 20th of Feb 2012. With everything else going on (eg. studying) i think this challenge is going to be by far my best!!! So keep an eye out, ill update with pics and measurements etc.
So next week i am working on staying clean and lean with my food, and being organised to help with that.
I will blog again very very soon. Watch out more pics to come!
Talk soon
Sandie xx

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012!!! My Year!!

So its 2012! MY YEAR! the year i will go beyond the unknown. The year i will challenge myself to do things i only ever dreamed of doing.

Well i hope you have all had a fantastic Festive season and enjoy time with family and friends. I know i did.
But time to get serious!! I am back in track with my eating, and training hard. This is the last week without Elise and i must say i am proud i have been able to kick my own butt. Doing my own awesome cardio sessions and my own weight sessions, has shown me that i can work hard and push myself.
Things are looking up. It surprises me time and time again how good eating well can make me feel. And when i am eating well and feel amazing my life in general is more positive and productive. Another lesson im learning.

So what are my goals and dreams for this year?
I want to reach my goal of being under 100kg. Then reassess from there.
I want to be a mummy :)
I want to be the best friend, partner, sister, aunty, daughter i can be.
I want to SAVE some money
I want to be happy and not stress about things i cant control.

This year is for sure going to be a year where life only gets better.

What do u want out of your year?