Sunday, September 9, 2012

So tomorrow is the last track of my adventure!!
I start my final 12 week challenge. I say final one, as i am soooo determined to get my results and move on with something different than my weight loss. So this 12 weeks, im giving it my all, giving my 110%. Showing eveyone that, it can be done and that things that scare you actually are worth giving a try.
So whats been happening??? Leading upto the challenge ive had 3 weeks of Freedom. No weekly weigh ins, no food diary, just doing what i want when i want. Has been nice but must admit it will be nice having some structure again. I have cleaned my pantry, fridge & Freezer of all things processed. And replenshed it with all things clean and lean. Ive done some pre cooking, so that im organised.
Now i just have to go to sleep, and wake up on the adventure of a lifetime.
So last weekend, i completed my very first 6k fun run!!! was very exciting to do it, and i am so stoked that i completed it in under 45mins. 33.36mins actually.MY family came to watch which was very nice, for them to show an interest in what i have been doing.
Everyone has asked me if ive caught the running bug now. The answer is no, i dont mind running, and it was fun. but there is no way i will be doing major runs or anything. Maybe a few a year or something and just run at my own pace and distance. But definatley nothing crazy like a 10k or half marathon. But it was fun, and very proud of myself.

So keep watching my blog, as ill try and post regularly about my  12 weeks. Its going to be crazy and definatley worth watching!!
Love to you all.

Sandie xx